Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan siaran rancangan Putra FM akan dihentikan untuk sementara bermula pada 8 September sehingga 14 September 2010 bersempena dengan sambutan Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan akan kembali bersiaran seperti biasa mulai 15 September 2010.
Putra FM mengucapkan selamat menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada semua pendengar setia kami.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Keputusan Ujibakat Penyampai Radio
Terima kasih di atas penyertaan yang amat menggalakkan dari para pelajar UPM yang hadir untuk sesi ujibakat penyampai radio Putra FM.
Tahniah kepada yang berjaya dan bagi yang tidak terpilih sila cuba untuk pengambilan yang akan datang.
Pelajar berikut akan dihubungi dalam masa terdekat untuk penetapan sesi latihan.
1. Azimin b. Daud (155937)
2. Mohd Hanif b. Hamzah (158282)
3. Ellyaherny bt. Zainal (159699)
4. Nadzira bt. Shahril (158594)
5. Suraya bt. Zainudin (GS27259)
6. Syafika bt. Mohd Ghali (152255)
Tahniah kepada yang berjaya dan bagi yang tidak terpilih sila cuba untuk pengambilan yang akan datang.
Pelajar berikut akan dihubungi dalam masa terdekat untuk penetapan sesi latihan.
1. Azimin b. Daud (155937)
2. Mohd Hanif b. Hamzah (158282)
3. Ellyaherny bt. Zainal (159699)
4. Nadzira bt. Shahril (158594)
5. Suraya bt. Zainudin (GS27259)
6. Syafika bt. Mohd Ghali (152255)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Update: Kakitangan Putra FM
Tahniah kepada Cik Noraini Ab Samad di atas pelantikan beliau sebagai Penerbit Rancangan (B17) di Putra FM.
Selamat bertugas.
Selamat bertugas.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Antologi 10 Penyair Dunia
Majlis pelancaran antologi ini akan diadakan seperti butiran berikut:
Tempat : Bilik Seri Amar, FBMK, UPM
Tarikh : 5 Ogos 2010
Masa : 10:00 pagi-12:00 tengah hari
10 penyair tersebut adalah:
Peter Horn (S. Africa), Kazuko Shiraishi (Jepun), A Samad Said (Malaysia), Dr. Lee Kuie Shien (Taiwan), Ahmad Kamal Abdullah (Malaysia), Germain Drogenbroot (Belgium), Manfred Chobot (Austria), G Mend Ooyo (Mongolia), Tobias Burghagrdt (Germany), Sudeep Sen (India).
Seluruh warga UPM dan peminat puisi dijemput untuk menyaksikan majlis pelancaran ini di samping diperdengarkan dengan persembahan puisi.
Nota: Sesi temubual di Putra FM akan berlangsung pada jam 2:00 petang pada tarikh yang sama bersama Aminur Rahman (Dhaka).
Tempat : Bilik Seri Amar, FBMK, UPM
Tarikh : 5 Ogos 2010
Masa : 10:00 pagi-12:00 tengah hari
10 penyair tersebut adalah:
Peter Horn (S. Africa), Kazuko Shiraishi (Jepun), A Samad Said (Malaysia), Dr. Lee Kuie Shien (Taiwan), Ahmad Kamal Abdullah (Malaysia), Germain Drogenbroot (Belgium), Manfred Chobot (Austria), G Mend Ooyo (Mongolia), Tobias Burghagrdt (Germany), Sudeep Sen (India).
Seluruh warga UPM dan peminat puisi dijemput untuk menyaksikan majlis pelancaran ini di samping diperdengarkan dengan persembahan puisi.
Nota: Sesi temubual di Putra FM akan berlangsung pada jam 2:00 petang pada tarikh yang sama bersama Aminur Rahman (Dhaka).
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Rakan Rancangan Terkini

Putra FM mengalu-alukan Rakan Rancangan terbaru kami iaitu, laman web muzik indie tempatan.
Dengarkan Muzik Ikon pada setiap hari Rabu minggu ketiga bermula 14 Julai 2010 hingga 15 Disember 2010, pukul 9 malam.
Semestinya hanya yang terbaik di Suara Kampus Terkini!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Selamat Datang Pelajar Baharu UPM
Tahniah kerana anda terpilih untuk mengikuti pengajian di Universiti Putra Malaysia. Semoga anda akan beroleh kejayaan dalam pelajaran.
Jadikan Putra FM sebagai tempat untuk anda mendapatkan ilmu dan juga pengetahuan di samping berhibur dengan lagu pilihan terbaik kami.
Suara Kampus Terkini...
Jadikan Putra FM sebagai tempat untuk anda mendapatkan ilmu dan juga pengetahuan di samping berhibur dengan lagu pilihan terbaik kami.
Suara Kampus Terkini...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Layar Putra - Filem Zoo
Filem terbaru yang akan ditayangkan di pawagam seluruh Malaysia iaitu filem Zoo akan menemui peminat filem tempatan pada 1 Julai 2010. Filem bergenre komedi aksi ini membariskan pelakon seperti Mazlan Pet Pet, Lisa Surihani, Azlee, Bob Lokman, Angah Raja Lawak dan ramai lagi.
Dengarkan Layar Putra pada 30 Jun 2010, pukul 8 malam untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang filem ini di Putra FM 90.7 atau mms://
Dengarkan Layar Putra pada 30 Jun 2010, pukul 8 malam untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang filem ini di Putra FM 90.7 atau mms://
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Update: Kakitangan Putra FM
Putra FM mengalu-alukan kehadiran Cik W. Noorshazwanie W. Muhamad yang dilantik sebagai Penerbit Rancangan B27 berkuatkuasa mulai 8 Jun 2010.
Selamat bekerja,semoga dapat memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik untuk Radio Kampus UPM
Selamat bekerja,semoga dapat memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik untuk Radio Kampus UPM
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Info Komuniti PFM : Banci Penduduk dan Perumahan Malaysia 2010
Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia akan menjalankan Banci Penduduk dan Perumahan Malaysia 2010 di seluruh negara pada Julai – Ogos 2010 disusuli dengan Penyiasatan Liputan Banci pada pertengahan Ogos – September 2010.
Sehubungan itu, semua isi rumah di Selangor diminta memberikan maklumat setepat mungkin bagi tujuan statistik dan untuk maklumat lanjut sila hubungi Jabatan Perangkaan Negeri Selangor di talian 03-5515 0200
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Album Terkini di Putra FM
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Tiket Percuma
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) akan menganjurkan Karnival Pendidikan MARA Peringkat Kebangsaan seperti butiran yang berikut:
Tarikh : 12 - 14 Mac 2010 (Jumaat – Ahad)
Masa : 10.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang
Tempat : Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur
Bertemakan ‘Jalur Kerjaya Anda’, ia bertujuan memberi :
a. pendedahan maklumat tentang peluang pendidikan khususnya kepada pelajar lepasan SPM/STPM serta orang ramai untuk
melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi; dan
b. mengadakan pameran kerjaya dan temuduga terbuka kepada pencari kerja mengikut bidang kerjaya yang sesuai dengan kelayakan dan minat masing-masing.
Pengisian program:
i. Pameran Pendidikan
Tempat : Ruang Legar Putra, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
Sasaran : Pelajar tingkatan 4 dan 5, lepasan SPM/STPM, ibubapa dan orang awam
ii. Pameran Kerjaya, Seminar dan Temuduga Terbuka
Tempat : Bilik Mawar, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
Sasaran : Pelajar-pelajar semester akhir Institusi Pengajian TInggi Awam dan Swasta tajaan MARA, IPMa, pencari kerja dan orang awam.
Tarikh : 12 - 14 Mac 2010 (Jumaat – Ahad)
Masa : 10.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang
Tempat : Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur
Bertemakan ‘Jalur Kerjaya Anda’, ia bertujuan memberi :
a. pendedahan maklumat tentang peluang pendidikan khususnya kepada pelajar lepasan SPM/STPM serta orang ramai untuk
melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi; dan
b. mengadakan pameran kerjaya dan temuduga terbuka kepada pencari kerja mengikut bidang kerjaya yang sesuai dengan kelayakan dan minat masing-masing.
Pengisian program:
i. Pameran Pendidikan
Tempat : Ruang Legar Putra, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
Sasaran : Pelajar tingkatan 4 dan 5, lepasan SPM/STPM, ibubapa dan orang awam
ii. Pameran Kerjaya, Seminar dan Temuduga Terbuka
Tempat : Bilik Mawar, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur
Sasaran : Pelajar-pelajar semester akhir Institusi Pengajian TInggi Awam dan Swasta tajaan MARA, IPMa, pencari kerja dan orang awam.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
3 Financial Dangers of Social Media by Claes Bell
Anyone who doubts the power of social media to affect finances need look no further than the example of Kansas City Chiefs football player Larry Johnson.
The all-pro running back cost himself $213,000, and ultimately a job, by posting anti-gay slurs on the micro-blogging service Twitter -- in 140 characters or less, of course.
Career trouble is just one way a badly managed social media presence can hit your pocketbook. Following are three areas where social media could damage your financial life, and how to avoid such pitfalls.
Andy Beal, CEO of the social media monitoring platform, says jobseekers should assume potential employers will do a Google search of candidates' names. Social media profiles typically appear near the top of the search page.
If you have questionable pictures or posts on a public profile, take them down or make the profile private to avoid trouble.
Also, steer clear of negative talk about a prospective employer on any social media platform, Beal says. Many companies monitor mentions of their brand throughout the Web, he says.
He cites the case of a Twitter user who posted about a new job offer from Cisco, but expressed doubt about "the daily commute" and "hating the work." A Cisco employee noticed the tweet and demanded to know the name of the user's hiring manager.
Even employees who think their jobs are safe can sabotage themselves by being too honest online about their personal lives, or by posting feelings regarding a boss, client, co-worker or company for whom they work.
"We've seen a lot of cases of people publishing status updates that have gotten them in trouble," says Justin Smith, founder and editor in chief of Inside Facebook. "People have said things that have caused problems with their boss because of what they said about their work or because they've shared some other kind of private information about work online."
Caroline McCarthy, a staff writer at CNET News, says the best defense against such mistakes is to use plain old common sense. Remember, anything that appears on the Web is just a screenshot away from spreading quickly, despite the best efforts of social media users to keep it private.
Debt Collection
Social media has become a key tool for collection agencies trying to track down debtors, says Michelle Dunn, CEO of the American Credit and Collections Association and author of "Do's and Don'ts of Online Collections Techniques."
"If they don't have a good phone number or the mail's being returned, a lot of them use Facebook to find out if they have a different address or their employment information," Dunn says.
Many bill collectors who think they've found a debtor on a social media site will keep an eye on that individual's online presence, Dunn says.
"They don't necessarily have to post anything to them; they just watch what that person is posting," she says.
Setting a social media profile to allow anyone -- not just friends -- to look at postings can make your profile a particularly rich source of information, she says.
"People post things about if they've gotten a new home or a new vehicle," Dunn says. "People just post such private things about their lives, and the whole world is watching."
Privacy laws should preclude a collections professional from contacting and humiliating you on your social media page, Dunn says. However, some debt collectors violate those legal and ethical boundaries and assume false identities as a means of getting information, she says.
Social media sites ask for, and often get, a large amount of personal information from users. Unfortunately, identity thieves may use that information to perpetuate scams, especially if you use personal information when creating security passwords, McCarthy says.
"If you have a public Facebook profile that gives your birth date and your parents' names and that kind of thing, they can provide the answers to security questions that your bank might have on its Web site," she says.
Even if your profile is private, identity thieves may find other ways to get your information, Beal says.
"We see spammers, we see hackers, we see people trying to sell products using fictitious profiles," he says. "There was a study done a few years ago where one group created a specific fictitious profile and the number of people that accepted their friend request ... was pretty high."
For this reason, be careful about adding social networking "friends" you don't know in real life, says Beal.
"Social networking is not a popularity contest," says Beal. "I don't add anyone to Facebook or LinkedIn unless I know them."
And remember, just because a social media site asks for information doesn't mean you have to give it, Beal says.
Finally, McCarthy recommends never sending money to someone who asks for it over a social media service. Smith says that there have been reports of scammers hijacking accounts and posing as friends.
The all-pro running back cost himself $213,000, and ultimately a job, by posting anti-gay slurs on the micro-blogging service Twitter -- in 140 characters or less, of course.
Career trouble is just one way a badly managed social media presence can hit your pocketbook. Following are three areas where social media could damage your financial life, and how to avoid such pitfalls.
Andy Beal, CEO of the social media monitoring platform, says jobseekers should assume potential employers will do a Google search of candidates' names. Social media profiles typically appear near the top of the search page.
If you have questionable pictures or posts on a public profile, take them down or make the profile private to avoid trouble.
Also, steer clear of negative talk about a prospective employer on any social media platform, Beal says. Many companies monitor mentions of their brand throughout the Web, he says.
He cites the case of a Twitter user who posted about a new job offer from Cisco, but expressed doubt about "the daily commute" and "hating the work." A Cisco employee noticed the tweet and demanded to know the name of the user's hiring manager.
Even employees who think their jobs are safe can sabotage themselves by being too honest online about their personal lives, or by posting feelings regarding a boss, client, co-worker or company for whom they work.
"We've seen a lot of cases of people publishing status updates that have gotten them in trouble," says Justin Smith, founder and editor in chief of Inside Facebook. "People have said things that have caused problems with their boss because of what they said about their work or because they've shared some other kind of private information about work online."
Caroline McCarthy, a staff writer at CNET News, says the best defense against such mistakes is to use plain old common sense. Remember, anything that appears on the Web is just a screenshot away from spreading quickly, despite the best efforts of social media users to keep it private.
Debt Collection
Social media has become a key tool for collection agencies trying to track down debtors, says Michelle Dunn, CEO of the American Credit and Collections Association and author of "Do's and Don'ts of Online Collections Techniques."
"If they don't have a good phone number or the mail's being returned, a lot of them use Facebook to find out if they have a different address or their employment information," Dunn says.
Many bill collectors who think they've found a debtor on a social media site will keep an eye on that individual's online presence, Dunn says.
"They don't necessarily have to post anything to them; they just watch what that person is posting," she says.
Setting a social media profile to allow anyone -- not just friends -- to look at postings can make your profile a particularly rich source of information, she says.
"People post things about if they've gotten a new home or a new vehicle," Dunn says. "People just post such private things about their lives, and the whole world is watching."
Privacy laws should preclude a collections professional from contacting and humiliating you on your social media page, Dunn says. However, some debt collectors violate those legal and ethical boundaries and assume false identities as a means of getting information, she says.
Social media sites ask for, and often get, a large amount of personal information from users. Unfortunately, identity thieves may use that information to perpetuate scams, especially if you use personal information when creating security passwords, McCarthy says.
"If you have a public Facebook profile that gives your birth date and your parents' names and that kind of thing, they can provide the answers to security questions that your bank might have on its Web site," she says.
Even if your profile is private, identity thieves may find other ways to get your information, Beal says.
"We see spammers, we see hackers, we see people trying to sell products using fictitious profiles," he says. "There was a study done a few years ago where one group created a specific fictitious profile and the number of people that accepted their friend request ... was pretty high."
For this reason, be careful about adding social networking "friends" you don't know in real life, says Beal.
"Social networking is not a popularity contest," says Beal. "I don't add anyone to Facebook or LinkedIn unless I know them."
And remember, just because a social media site asks for information doesn't mean you have to give it, Beal says.
Finally, McCarthy recommends never sending money to someone who asks for it over a social media service. Smith says that there have been reports of scammers hijacking accounts and posing as friends.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
INFO KOMUNITI : Iklan Kerja Kosong
Pembantu Kedai Dobi diperlukan segera bagi Kedai Dobi yang akan dibuka di Taman Pelangi, Semenyih, Keutamaan : Wanita sahaja, umur 18 - 35thn,, Waktu Bekerja : 10am - 7 pm, Isnin - Sabtu , Gaji Permulaan : RM500 ,,, Mula Kerja : 8 Februari 2010,, Berminat boleh hubungi:-016-6769433
Oleh: Laila Kamilia
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Merancang Percutian Terbaik
Bagi yang gemarkan percutian, merancang percutian adalah sesuatu yang agak memenatkan. Ada banyak perkara yang harus diambil kira selain dari harga tambang ke destinasi tersebut. Tempat penginapan merupakan perkara kedua yang penting selepas mendapatkan tambang murah sesuatu perjalanan. Tidak kira jika anda mahukan hotel mewah 5 bintang, atau sekadar hotel sederhana 3 bintang mahupun asrama sebagai pelancong back packers, penginapan menjadi pokok utama percutian. Setelah penat berjalan-jalan melihat pemandangan atau tarikan pelancong pastinya tubuh yang lesu memerlukan rehat yang secukupnya untuk kita memulakan pengambaraan baru keesokan harinya.
Namun bila hendak menempah hotel, macam-macam juga yang kena ambil kira. Hotel A harga murah tapi lokasinya jauh dari kawasan tarikan pelancong. Hotel B dekat, tetapi mahal pula. Hotel C agak jauh tetapi beri sarapan percuma dalam tarif sewanya tetapi adakah kita memerlukannya. Hotel D pula murah, dekat tetapi masalahnya penuh pula pada tarikh yang kita kehendaki. Kesimpulannya jika kita harus membuka satu-persatu laman web hotel-hotel di satu-satu destinasi, memang satu hari tidak cukup untuk kita membuat keputusan tepat berpadanan dengan bajet. Ada beribu-ribu tawaran hotel yang sukar untuk kita membuat pilihan!
Tetapi laman web ini memang bagus kerana ia memang memudahkan pengguna. Sebagai laman web bebas yang tidak mengenakan sebarang bayaran kepada penggunanya, laman web ini membantu kita mengenalpasti hotel terbaik di seluruh dunia dengan bajet dan keselesaan kita. Antara lain yang ditawarkan oleh HotelsCombined adalah :
1-Meninjau dan membuat perbandingan harga ke seluruh laman web hotel-hotel dan lain-lain laman web kembara dan memberikan kita harga termurah yang ditawarkan.
2-Kita boleh membaca ulasan kembara yang ditulis secara bebas oleh pelancong-pelancong lain.
3-Klik dan bayar terus ke laman web hotel atau web kembara pilihan kita.
4-Aplikasinya mudah digunakan dan yang paling utama ianya PERCUMA.
Kerana suka mengembara, saya menggunakan laman web ini untuk mencari hotel semasa merancang percutian saya ke mana-mana di seluruh dunia. InsyaAllah pada masa-masa akan datang entri Pelancongan di dalam web ini akan kembali aktif. Bagi yang ingin merancang percutian di dalam negara ataupun di luar negara, mungkin laman web ini dapat memudahkan rancangan anda. Selamat bercuti.
Lawati untuk maklumat lanjut.
Oleh: Laila Kamilia, Berlin, Germany
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